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TELL US YOUR STORY 告诉我们您被歧视的具体情况

Many Asian cultures do not encourage communications about feelings or underplay discrimination.  But when something does not feel right, it is most likely not right. Discrimination might happen anywhere and in different circumstance. Discrimination also comes in various shapes and flavors. If you feel being treated unfairly by others, if you feel uneasy, shamed, uncomfortable or even harassed, regardless of whether you received such treatment from other races or other Asians, please let us know. We are concerned about you and want to help you find a solution to the problem. 


Have you faced discrimination because of your origin, accent, travel history, nationality, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability? Or is there another area we didn't mention? 
The race of the discriminating person or group 歧视您的人或者团体的种族
The circumstances of the instance 事件的大致背景
Are you seeking any support? 您在寻求的帮助的类别:

Thanks for submitting! 感谢提交

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